Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 74

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 4
issue Number : 74

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 4، ، issue Number 74

Recognizing and analyzing the emplotment techniques in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi

Amir Hossein Asgari , Iman Zakariaee kermani (Author in Charge), Nader Shayeganfar


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Narrative and narratively is an important part of historical report and explanation of historic events and human actions. emplotment, as the composing manners of representing historic events in significant way, is the main aspectof narratively and in this respect was considered by historians. Tarikh-e beyhaqi (about Masood Ghaznavi’sreign) is a specific sample ofdynastic chronology in which the particular structure of outline and plots are neglected. this article, based on the comments of two theoreticians of historic narrative, Paul Ricoeur and Hayden White,is about recognizing and analyzingthe emplotment techniques in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi according to an inductive approach and in regards to the applications and significations.

METHODOLOGY: This article has been done by library method and descriptive-analytical method.

FINDINGS: In the article the outline and plots of tarikh-e beyhaqi has been analyzed in two separation parts. the analysis of the outline of tarikh-e beyhaqi is about sectioning and marking in the history and also anachronism in analepsis and prolepsis parts. In study of plots, the similarity of sequence to classic narratives (chieflynarrative of Abbasid history) and the narratives of Sultan Mahmooud’s regin have been considered. In this section, also, two kind of changes applied on the original plot of adjunct narrative, has been introduced.

CONCLUSION: In Tarikh-e Beyhaqi the emplotment techniquesof prior history was applied increasingly and innovatively. The main methods of employment in tarikh-e beyhaqi are: Sectioning and marking the history,forming the outline of the history by interpolating paralysis and analysis parts, and attending to the patterns and similarities in composition of plots, which applies widely and in specific manner.

Plot , Employment , Sequence , Pattern , Analepsis , Paralepsis

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